Become Our Business Sponsors Partner – HEALTHOXIDE

Healthoxide Systems has a policy of supporting people, teams, and events that like us, share a passion for the sports and fitness industry.


Social Media:

  1. Do you follow “HEALTHOXIDE® Brands”  social media pages across all platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube)?
  2. Do you interact and like “HEALTHOXIDE® Brand” social media posts and show a genuine interest in the Brands?
  3. Do you drive your love for the Brands by tagging pictures of yourself representing with/in HEALTHOXIDE® Brand products and sharing posts? (Tagging multiple competing brands in an image is not accepted)

Love for the Brand:

  1. Do you purchase and currently use the Brand?
  2. Do you swear by the Brand, the quality, consistency, and the results?
  3. Do you recommend it to family and friends?
  4. Do you represent it currently out of passion rather than the promise of return


  1. Show excellence in your area of sporting performance.
  2. Consistently enter and podium at competitions in your area of sporting performance.
  3. Have a large (over 5,000 minimum), active, and “real” (strictly no bots) following on major social media platforms.

Professional Standing:

  1. Do you carry yourself in a professional and dignified manner in every and all environment (social media included)?

Contact us:

If you feel you meet all these guidelines, compose a sponsorship proposal including the below key criteria for serious consideration: